Improve Your Wireguard Server's Performance

The default MTU(Maximum Transmission Unit) is 1420 in wireguard, while the most other devices use 1496 or 1500. Read here for more info. TL;DR Stop the wireguard interface in use: sudo systemctl stop wg-quick@wg0 # or sudo wg-quick down wg0 Edit the wireguard config file: sudo vim /etc/wireguard/wg0.conf Add MTU=1400 to the Interface section like this: 1 2 3 4 5 6 [Interface] Address = SaveConfig = true ListenPort = 51820 MTU = 1400 PrivateKey = xxxxxx And start the stopped service:

Redux Setup in Your React Project - Personal Preference

The first thing is to install libraries for redux, as you may guess: 1 npm install -S redux react-redux redux-logger reselect redux-persist redux-logger is a redux middleware which is really really helpful in development, but it’s up to you whether to use it or not. reselect is a memoization implementation for redux. redux-persist is for leveraging localStorage/sessionStorage browser APIs in redux. Assuming that you have the react project structured in your own way, I’d create a new folder named redux inside the src/app folder:

Setup a Wireguard VPN Server on Ubuntu

This tutorial is going to show you how to set up your own WireGuard VPN server on Ubuntu. WireGuard is made specifically for the Linux kernel. It runs inside the Linux kernel and allows you to create fast, modern, and secure VPN tunnel. TL;DR Prerequisites This tutorial assumes that the VPN server and VPN client are both going to be running on Ubuntu 20.04 operating system. Setting Up the WireGuard Server Install Wireguard from the default Ubuntu repository:

Setup Wireguard VPN Server on CentOS

This tutorial is going to show you how to set up your own WireGuard VPN server on CentOS. WireGuard is made specifically for the Linux kernel. It runs inside the Linux kernel and allows you to create fast, modern, and secure VPN tunnel. TL;DR Prerequisites This tutorial assumes that the VPN server and VPN client are both going to be running on CentOS 7/8 operating system. Step 1: Install WireGuard on CentOS Server and Desktop Log into your CentOS server, then run the following commands to install WireGuard.

Git Cheatsheet for Minimalists

Basic Git Concepts Working copy (working tree file): It refers to the file in the repository that appears on the hard disk. Index (staging area or cache): it refers to you have git add-ed, or, what would be committed if you were to run git commit. HEAD: It refers to the “current” or “active” branch, when we need to check out a branch (referring to your attempt to match the branch with what is in the working copy), only one can be checked out at a time.